Current Date/Time: February 6th 2025

News & Events



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Information on Domestic Violence laws and resources - in nine languages

The Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia has developed information to provide newcomers and immigrants with information about Nova Scotia Domestic Violence laws and resources.

Home should be a safe place. Too often it isn't. When domestic violence hits home, women and their children need information and support. If the… Full Page

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Operation Graffiti Wipeout

Operation Graffiti Wipeout is a program designed to involve youth and other community members and will promote responsibility and pride in beautifying the city. This is an effort to remove graffiti from Summerside.
Research has shown that Graffiti;

  • Lowers house and property value
  • Promotes additional property damage and litter… Full Page

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2011 Conference A Great Learning Event!

On May 4th, the 25th Annual Crime Prevention Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia kicked off with a fun 'meet and greet' at Alexander Keith's Brewery. Actors in historic costumes regaled participants with tales of Halifax's historic brewery, and even persuaded a few to sing along with some lively Celtic songs!

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Viewpoints on Criminal Justice Issues

The Canadian Criminal Justice Association (CCJA) has released a booklet entitled "Viewpoints on Criminal Justice Issues: A Compendium of Position Papers". This compilation includes topics such as crime prevention, victims, youth justice, parole, pardons, the "faint hope clause", conditional sentences and mandatory minimum sentences. The following is the Foreword, written… Full Page

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Another Successful ACSA Conference!

On June 2nd, the 24th Annual Crime Prevention Conference in Memramcook, New Brunswick kicked off with an Acadian themed evening, featuring authentic Acadian Foods.  Charlie A’Court, Nova Scotia’s top entertainer at the 2009 Music Nova Scotia Awards, entertained the crowd with his unique musical talent.

Thursday, June 3rd was a full… Full Page

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Citizens’ Crime Prevention Association of Newfoundland & Labrador Provincial Board Meeting

The Citizens’ Crime Prevention Association of Newfoundland and Labrador held their Provincial Board Meeting on May 14-15, 2010 in Gander, Newfoundland. Several Crime Prevention Associations from across the province reported on their continued efforts to create safe communities. Many projects in the form of bike rodeos, hockey camps, wilderness camps, picnics, and… Full Page

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