Current Date/Time: September 16th 2024

Crime Prevention and Reduction Conference

Where: Fredericton, New Brunswick
When: March 28- March 29, 2012

Learning Together: Getting Smarter on Crime

The Province of New Brunswick is working closely with other stakeholders to effectively prevent and reduce crime and its impacts.  This conference is a learning opportunity, focusing on successful approaches that improve public safety for us all.  It is part of a greater provincial effort to support different stakeholders working together around critical crime and public safety issues.

When:                         March 28 and 29, 2012.

Where:                        Fredericton, New Brunswick

What is it about:         Conference participants will learn about building better integrated and more effective approaches to prevent and reduce crime.

Who should attend:    Community workers, educators, police, correctional workers, court officials, public policy experts, social workers, academics, and health care professionals.

More information:      Click here for conference program, registration and hotel information. We are working to make sure that the cost of attending is as low as possible.  So, please mark your calendars now and plan to attend.

Contact Person:         Brian Saunders, Senior Policy Advisor for Crime Prevention and Reduction, Department of Public Safety, (506) 444-4673 or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)