Current Projects
The Atlantic Community Safety Association (ACSA) has a long history of supporting crime prevention and community safety in the Atlantic Provinces. One way the ACSA accomplishes this is by undertaking special projects that foster healthy communities.

Crime Free Multi-Housing Program
The Crime Free Multi-Housing Program (CFMH) began in 1992 at Mesa, Arizona and was first implemented in Canada by the New Westminster Police Service in 1994. Numerous other communities have now adopted the Program and it continues to yield extremely positive results. In partnership with the RCMP and the Halifax Regional Police, the ACSA is now pleased to administer the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program in Atlantic Canada.
What is the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program?
The Crime Free Multi-Housing Program (CFMH) is an honest, direct and solution oriented crime prevention initiative designed specifically to help apartment owners, managers, residents, police and other agencies work together to keep illegal and nuisance activity off rental property. Its unique three phases ensure the crime prevention goal, while maintaining an approach which is resident friendly, yet effective in reducing the incidence of crime in multi-unit apartment communities.
Phase 1:
Resident managers and/or Owners attend a one day seminar presented by the Police in partnership with the ACSA. Topics include Crime Prevention Concepts, Preparing and Maintaining the Property, Applicant Screening, Working Together with Police, Residential Tenancy Act, and Combating Illegal Activities
Phase 2:
The rental properties must meet minimum security standards. A representative from the police detachment or department will conduct a security evaluation of the property and make recommendations. The following minimum standards must be met before advancing:
- A good quality deadbolt must be on all suite doors. The bolt must be minimum 1- inch in length and the hole in the frame must be the same size as the bolt, for a tight fit.
- Strike Plates on wood-framed doors must be secured with a 3-inch screw into the stud.
- All suite doors must have eyeviewers (prefer 180-190 degrees, 65 inches from the floor).
- Sliding doors and windows require secondary locks, in addition to functioning primary locks, in all ground level and easily accessible suites.
- The trees and shrubs must be pruned to allow a clear view of the property. Trees should be limbed to 6-feet off the ground and shrubs should be no higher than 3-feet.
- Adequate lighting in and around the building. Lighting is the most effective crime prevention tool around when used properly.
- Graffiti must be removed.
- The property must be clean and properly maintained.
Phase 3:
The owner/manager will host an annual Safety Social for their residents to involve them in preventing crime on the property and to get involved in the community. A representative from the police department will be in attendance to explain the program and offer crime prevention tips.
Following the completion of all three phases the management will earn the privilege to post signs stating they have joined the CRIME FREE MULTI-HOUSING PROGRAM and may use the CFMH logo for marketing purposes.
For more information, please contact the Program Manager at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
To read more about this program from an international perspective, please click here.

Building Knowledge of Model and Promising Crime Prevention Practices
This project is funded through the National Crime Prevention Strategy (NCPS) and administered by the National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC) via the Crime Prevention Action Fund, and covers a three-year period: April 1, 2009 – March 31, 2012. This project focuses on building and sharing practical knowledge on NCPC promising and model crime prevention programs and the implementation tools required in order to reduce crime. The term “model and promising crime prevention practices” refers to evidence-based, effective programs that address multiple risk factors in high risk populations and places. A list of NCPC “Model and Promising Crime Prevention Programs” can be found at These programs and tools are showcased annually at ACSA knowledge transfer events throughout Atlantic Canada.
This project also utilizes Community of Practice (CoP) meetings that engage a diversity of crime prevention stakeholders to assess specific knowledge transfer techniques used in the Atlantic Region. The term “Knowledge Transfer” refers to the process of actively creating and facilitating the exchange of meaningful information. These CoP sessions showcase specific techniques that members use to implement and share knowledge about community initiatives. The goal of these sessions is to focus on what works in transferring crime prevention knowledge so that best practices become common practices.
In addition, this project produces non-personal knowledge transfer techniques (i.e. newsletters, brochures, posters) to keep people connected and informed about crime prevention initiatives underway in Atlantic Canada.
Annual Conference
The Atlantic Community Safety Association (ACSA) traces its roots to 1984 when the first “Crime Prevention Meeting” was held in Halifax. Over the years, the “Ad Hoc Committee”, the “Atlantic Crime Prevention Steering Committee”, the “Atlantic Coordinating Committee on Crime Prevention and Community Safety” (ACSA), and finally The Atlantic Community Safety Association (ACSA) have gone through major metamorphoses. One constant was the value that was placed on sharing knowledge about crime prevention among Atlantic Canadians. The first conference was a result of this lack of communications and information sharing among Atlantic Canadian crime prevention practitioners. The Solicitor General responded by organizing and presenting a workshop to address these issues. This laid a solid foundation for the ACSA leadership in the crime prevention movement in years to come. As the years past, it became apparent that community participation was imperative to successful crime prevention, and community citizens, as well as police and government, were included as delegates at the conferences. Conferences were soon structured to include plenary sessions and panel discussions which zeroed in on issues of major concern, and conference enrolment increased significantly. Today, these conferences are an invaluable resource for anyone interested in making Atlantic Canada a safer place to live.
The Atlantic Crime Prevention Resource Centre
The Atlantic Crime Prevention Resource Centre is a regional reference and resource centre on crime prevention and community safety. It is operated by Community Legal Information Association of P.E.I. Inc. with support from the Justice Resource Service of the Department of Community Services and Attorney General, PEI and in cooperation with the Atlantic Coordinating Committee on Crime Prevention and Community Safety. This Centre is a legacy from the Moncton regional office of the Solicitor General Canada. It is a reference and resource centre which makes available information on crime prevention, community safety and related issues. The Atlantic Crime Prevention Resource Centre is located on the first floor of the Sullivan Building at 20 Fitzroy Street, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Box 1207 Charlottetown, PEI, Canada C1A 7M8 Tel: (902) 892-0853 Toll Free from the Atlantic Provinces: 1-800-240-9798 Fax: (902) 368-4096 Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
To view photos of the Resource Centre, click here.
Building a Lasting Partnership: An Historical & Analytical Overview
The Atlantic Commuity Safety Association (ACSA), formerly known as the Atlantic Coordinating Committee on Crime Prevention and Community Safety (ACSA) undertook a project in 2003 called “Building a Lasting Partnership: An Historical and Analytical Overview”. With funding assistance from the National Crime Prevention Strategy, this project recorded the developmental process through which the ACSA had passed with the intent of addressing such issues as internal and external relationships, highlights and accomplishments, and the influence the ACSA had on policy development at all levels of government. This publication was intended to be used as a blueprint or guidebook for cooperation and development within other organizations regardless of their respective areas of interest or responsibility. As a result of this project, a chronicle of the events and achievements of the ACSA, as well as lessons learned, has been documented for future community safety advocates.
“If the past has been an obstacle and a burden, knowledge of the past is the safest and surest emancipation” Ì´ John Acton