Current Date/Time: February 6th 2025

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Building a Lasting Partnership: An Historical & Analytical Overview

The Atlantic Commuity Safety Association (ACSA), formerly known as the Atlantic Coordinating Committee on Crime Prevention and Community Safety (ACSA) undertook a project in 2003 called “Building a Lasting Partnership: An Historical and Analytical Overview”. With funding assistance from the National Crime Prevention Strategy, this project recorded the developmental process through which the ACSA had passed with the intent of addressing such issues as internal and external relationships, highlights and accomplishments, and the influence the ACSA had on policy development at all levels of government. This publication was intended to be used as a blueprint or guidebook for cooperation and development within other organizations regardless of their respective areas of interest or responsibility. As a result of this project, a chronicle of the events and achievements of the ACSA, as well as lessons learned, has been documented for future community safety advocates.

“If the past has been an obstacle and a burden, knowledge of the past is the safest and surest emancipation” Ì´ John Acton